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Two Alabama Governors
Siegelman spent more than five years in prison before being released on probation in February 2017.
So you don't "believe" in climate change...
This is all just a convoluted way to say that I often get in arguments with climate skeptics.
Trump's Path to 218 House Votes
In the current political climate, Trump is going to have a difficult time winning any Democratic votes.
On Russia: Tying the conflict of interests together (Updated)
Trump's pocketbook depends on his taking actions that would harm America's position with respect to our greatest foreign adversary.
How much should I bet?
It is both obvious and counter-intuitive. The more you have of something, the less value you have for each individual thing.
AHCA: Where do we stand now? UPDATED, 4:15 p.m.
Ok - I'm doing one of those poorly researched quick reaction things again. Because things are moving fast, it's almost impossible to keep...
Taxes and Growth Rates and Plenty of Charts
What's the most famous thing ever drawn on a dinner napkin? I would say it's probably the Laffer Curve. While the idea had previously...
Orbital Mechanics and The Martian (with math)
The story was supposed to have a huge amount of attention to detail, and it did, without question. But, there was one part I have to take so
CBO Report: My thoughts
I knew the long-term would be a disaster, but I didn't expect it to hit so quickly.
EPIC adventure: Live-Tweeting the American Healthcare Act (or, "AHA!")
Tonight, starting at 7:30 EST, we will be live-tweeting all 60 or 120 pages (reporting isn't clear) of the "AHA!" Act. I will read the...
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