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Cut Corporate Taxes, Discourage Hiring
Once upon a time, somebody proposed the elimination of the charitable deduction against income for US Federal income taxes. Doing so...
You Can't Do This on a Postcard
Pointing out the lies being told in furtherance of tax “reform” is hardly an original exercise. Borrowing the successful Obamacare repeal...
Volume 18: Robert E. Lee
“Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.”
Richard Cordray is a Badass
Seldom has a new government agency done more for citizens at a lower cost to taxpayers than the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or...
Fire and Fury, Signifying Nothing
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Told by an idiot, full of [fire] and fury, signifying nothing.
Zombie Trumpcare Is Dead, In The Senate, Again, For Now, Again
As you know, John McCain is not the favorite Republican Senator here. That being said, his moment last night was a rare piece of...
Volume 17: Campaign Finance
We can tell an entire history of the United States, parallel to the one you learned in high school, looking only at how money affects politi
The Fundamental Theorem of Health Insurance
Many disciplines have “Fundamental Theorems.” They take a complex topic and distill it to an essence, from which much of the rest can be...
The Chronicles of Zombie Trumpcare: Dead in the Senate, For Now
Big news that you've already heard - with significantly more than two Senators opposing the latest version of Trumpcare, Majority Leader...
Poop Cruz: The Latest in Trumpcare
I guess we can hope this bill won’t involve wading through fecal matter. But I do understand there will be more amendments in coming days, s
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